ChemoSpec - Exploratory Chemometrics for Spectroscopy
A collection of functions for top-down exploratory data analysis of spectral data including nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), infrared (IR), Raman, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and other similar types of spectroscopy. Includes functions for plotting and inspecting spectra, peak alignment, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), principal components analysis (PCA) and model-based clustering. Robust methods appropriate for this type of high-dimensional data are available. ChemoSpec is designed for structured experiments, such as metabolomics investigations, where the samples fall into treatment and control groups. Graphical output is formatted consistently for publication quality plots. ChemoSpec is intended to be very user friendly and to help you get usable results quickly. A vignette covering typical operations is available.
Last updated 1 years ago
7.77 score 59 stars 1 dependents 45 scripts 1.5k downloadsHiveR - 2D and 3D Hive Plots for R
Creates and plots 2D and 3D hive plots. Hive plots are a unique method of displaying networks of many types in which node properties are mapped to axes using meaningful properties rather than being arbitrarily positioned. The hive plot concept was invented by Martin Krzywinski at the Genome Science Center ( Keywords: networks, food webs, linnet, systems biology, bioinformatics.
Last updated 8 months ago
6.76 score 72 stars 2 dependents 53 scripts 481 downloadsreadJDX - Import Data in the JCAMP-DX Format
Import data written in the JCAMP-DX format. This is an instrument-independent format used in the field of spectroscopy. Examples include IR, NMR, and Raman spectroscopy. See the vignette for background and supported formats. The official JCAMP-DX site is <>.
Last updated 1 years ago
6.48 score 8 stars 5 dependents 7 scripts 535 downloadsLearnPCA - Functions, Data Sets and Vignettes to Aid in Learning Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
Principal component analysis (PCA) is one of the most widely used data analysis techniques. This package provides a series of vignettes explaining PCA starting from basic concepts. The primary purpose is to serve as a self-study resource for anyone wishing to understand PCA better. A few convenience functions are provided as well.
Last updated 10 months ago
6.20 score 10 stars 1 scripts 692 downloadsChemoSpecUtils - Functions Supporting Packages ChemoSpec and ChemoSpec2D
Functions supporting the common needs of packages 'ChemoSpec' and 'ChemoSpec2D'.
Last updated 1 years ago
4.43 score 4 stars 3 dependents 15 scripts 676 downloadsroxut - Document Unit Tests Roxygen-Style
Much as 'roxygen2' allows one to document functions in the same file as the function itself, 'roxut' allows one to write the unit tests in the same file as the function. Once processed, the unit tests are moved to the appropriate directory. Currently supports 'testthat' and 'tinytest' frameworks. The 'roxygen2' package provides much of the infrastructure.
Last updated 2 years ago
3.60 score 8 stars 861 downloadsLindenmayeR - Functions to Explore L-Systems (Lindenmayer Systems)
L-systems or Lindenmayer systems are parallel rewriting systems which can be used to simulate biological forms and certain kinds of fractals. Briefly, in an L-system a series of symbols in a string are replaced iteratively according to rules to give a more complex string. Eventually, the symbols are translated into turtle graphics for plotting. Wikipedia has a very good introduction: This package provides basic functions for exploring L-systems.
Last updated 6 years ago
3.54 score 7 stars 4 scripts 250 downloadsexCon - Interactive Exploration of Contour Data
Interactive tools to explore topographic-like data sets. Such data sets take the form of a matrix in which the rows and columns provide location/frequency information, and the matrix elements contain altitude/response information. Such data is found in cartography, 2D spectroscopy and chemometrics. The functions in this package create interactive web pages showing the contoured data, possibly with slices from the original matrix parallel to each dimension. The interactive behavior is created using the 'D3.js' 'JavaScript' library by Mike Bostock.
Last updated 8 years ago
3.30 score 4 stars 1 scripts 274 downloadsSpecHelpers - Spectroscopy Related Utilities
Utility functions for spectroscopy. 1. Functions to simulate spectra for use in teaching or testing. 2. Functions to process files created by 'LoggerPro' and 'SpectraSuite' software.
Last updated 7 days ago
3.04 score 2 stars 11 scripts 215 downloads