Package 'ChemoSpec2D'

Title: Exploratory Chemometrics for 2D Spectroscopy
Description: A collection of functions for exploratory chemometrics of 2D spectroscopic data sets such as COSY (correlated spectroscopy) and HSQC (heteronuclear single quantum coherence) 2D NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectra. 'ChemoSpec2D' deploys methods aimed primarily at classification of samples and the identification of spectral features which are important in distinguishing samples from each other. Each 2D spectrum (a matrix) is treated as the unit of observation, and thus the physical sample in the spectrometer corresponds to the sample from a statistical perspective. In addition to chemometric tools, a few tools are provided for plotting 2D spectra, but these are not intended to replace the functionality typically available on the spectrometer. 'ChemoSpec2D' takes many of its cues from 'ChemoSpec' and tries to create consistent graphical output and to be very user friendly.
Authors: Bryan A. Hanson [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Bryan A. Hanson <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.5.0
Built: 2025-02-17 04:16:07 UTC

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Exploratory Chemometrics for 2D Spectroscopy


Description: A collection of functions for exploratory chemometrics of 2D spectroscopic data sets such as COSY and HSQC NMR spectra. ChemoSpec2D deploys methods aimed primarily at classification of samples and the identification of spectral features which are important in distinguishing samples from each other. Each 2D spectrum (a matrix) is treated as the unit of observation, and thus the physical sample in the spectrometer corresponds to the sample from a statistical perspective. In addition to chemometric tools, a few tools are provided for plotting 2D spectra, but these are not intended to replace the functionality typically available on the spectrometer. ChemoSpec2D takes many of its cues from ChemoSpec and tries to create consistent graphical output and to be very user friendly. A vignette is available.


Bryan A. Hanson.

Maintainer: Bryan A. Hanson [email protected]

Calculate Levels for Contour and Image Type Plots


Given a matrix or vector input, this function will assist in selecting levels for preparing contour and image type plots. For instance, levels can be spaced evenly, logrithmically, exponentially or using a cumulative distribution function. NA values are ignored.


  n = 10,
  mode = "even",
  lambda = 1.5,
  base = 2,
  showHist = FALSE,



A numeric matrix or vector.


An integer giving the number of levels desired:

  • For mode = "even" n evenly spaced levels are returned.

  • For mode = "ecdf", n should be one or more values in the interval [0...1]. For instance, a value of 0.6 corresponds to a single level in which 60 percent of the matrix values are below, and 40 percent above.

  • For all other values of mode, n is used internally as floor(n/2) and the result eventually doubled in order to give a symmetric set of levels. In addition, only the positive or negative levels may be selected, leaving you with floor(n/2)/2 levels.


Character. One of "even", "log", "exp", "ecdf", "posexp", "negexp", "poslog", "neglog" or NMR. "even" will create evenly spaced levels. "log" will create levels which are more closely spaced at the high values, while "exp" does the opposite. The pos- or neg- versions select just the positive or negative values. "ecdf" computes levels at the requested quantiles of the matrix. NMR uses exp, lambda = 2.0 and n = 32. It also removes the four values closest to zero, where the data may be primarily noise.


Numeric. A non-zero exponent used with method = "exp" and relatives. Higher values push the levels toward zero.


Integer. The base used with method = "log" and relatives.


Logical. Shall a histogram be drawn showing the location of the chosen levels?


Arguments to be passed downstream.


A numeric vector giving the levels.


Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University. [email protected]


MM <- matrix(runif(100, -1, 1), nrow = 10) # test data
tsts <- c("even", "log", "poslog", "exp", "posexp", "ecdf", "NMR")
for (i in 1:length(tsts)) {
  nl <- 20
  if (tsts[i] == "ecdf") nl <- seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1)
  levels <- calcLvls(
    M = MM, n = nl, mode = tsts[i],
    showHist = TRUE, main = tsts[i]

Center and Scale a Spectra2D Object Along the Samples Dimension


This function will optionally center, and optionally scale, a Spectra2D object along the samples dimension (i.e. this is pixel-wise scaling in the language of multivariate image analysis). Several scaling options are available.


centscaleSpectra2D(spectra, center = FALSE, scale = "noscale")



An object of S3 class Spectra2D.


Logical. Should the spectra be centered before possibly scaling? Will give an error if center = TRUE and a log function is requested for scaling.


A character string indicating the type of scaling to apply. One of c("autoscale", "Pareto", "log", "log10"). For the log functions, centering is not carried out since logarithm is not defined for negative values.


An object of S3 class Spectra2D.


Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University.


R. Bro and A. K. Smilde "Centering and Scaling in Component Analysis" J. Chemometrics vol. 17 pgs 16-33 (2003).

See Also

normSpectra2D for another means of scaling.


tst <- centscaleSpectra2D(MUD1)

Check for Discontinuities (Gaps) in a Vector & Optionally Make a Plot


This function is used by ChemoSpec and ChemoSpec2D, but is formally part of ChemoSpecUtils. You can access full documentation via check4Gaps.

Verify the Integrity of a Spectra or Spectra2D Object


This function is used by ChemoSpec and ChemoSpec2D, but is formally part of ChemoSpecUtils. You can access full documentation via chkSpectra.

Color and Symbols in ChemoSpec and ChemoSpec2D


You can access full documentation via colorSymbol.

Compute the Volume of a Specified Shift Range in a 2D Spectrum


This function takes a range of frequencies for each dimension, and calculates the volume of the enclosed region.


computeVolume(spectra, F2range = NULL, F1range = NULL)



An object of S3 class Spectra2D.


A formula giving a frequency range. May include "low" or "high" representing the extremes of the spectra. Values below or above the range of F2 are tolerated without notice and are handled as min or max, respectively.


As for F2range, but for the F1 dimension.


A numeric vector of volumes, one for each spectrum.


Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University.


tst <- computeVolume(MUD1, F2range = 3 ~ 4, F1range = 55 ~ 70)

Import Data into a Spectra2D Object


This function imports data into a Spectra2D object. It primarily uses read.table to read files so it is very flexible in regard to file formatting. Be sure to see the ... argument below for important details you need to provide.


  gr.crit = NULL,
  gr.cols = "auto",
  fmt = NULL,
  nF2 = NULL,
  x.unit = "no frequency unit provided",
  y.unit = "no frequency unit provided",
  z.unit = "no intensity unit provided",
  descrip = "no description provided",
  fileExt = "\\.(csv|CSV)$",
  out.file = "mydata",
  debug = 0,
  chk = TRUE,
  allowSloppy = FALSE,



Group Criteria. A vector of character strings which will be searched for among the file/sample names in order to assign an individual spectrum to group membership. This is done using grep, so characters like "." (period/dot) do not have their literal meaning (see below). Warnings are issued if there are file/sample names that don't match entries in gr.crit or there are entries in gr.crit that don't match any file names.


Group Colors. See colorSymbol for some options. One of the following:

  • Legacy behavior and the default: The word "auto", in which case up to 8 colors will be automatically assigned from package RColorBrewer Set1.

  • "Col7". A unique set of up to 7 colorblind-friendly colors is used.

  • "Col8". A unique set of up to 8 colors is used.

  • "Col12". A mostly paired set of up to 12 colors is used.

  • A vector of acceptable color designations with the same length as gr.crit.

Colors will be assigned one for one, so the first element of gr.crit is assigned the first element of gr.col and so forth. For Col12 you should pay careful attention to the order of gr.crit in order to match up colors. See colorSymbol for further details.


A character string giving the format of the data. Consult import2Dspectra for options. If fileExt is one of dx, DX, jdx or JDX, fmt will automatically be set to "dx" and package readJDX will be used for the import. In this case check the values of F2 and F1 carefully. The values are taken from the file, for some files/vendors the values might be in Hz rather than ppm.


Integer giving the number of data points in the F2 (x) dimension. Note: If any dimension is zero-filled you may need to study the acquistion details to get the correct value for this argument. This may be vendor-dependent.


A character string giving the units for the F2 dimension (frequency or wavelength corresponding to the x dimension).


A character string giving the units for the F1 dimension (frequency or wavelength corresponding to the y dimension).


A character string giving the units of the z-axis (some sort of intensity).


A character string describing the data set.


A character string giving the extension of the files to be processed. regex strings can be used. For instance, the default finds files with either ".csv" or ".CSV" as the extension. Matching is done via a grep process, which is greedy. If fileExt is one of dx, DX, jdx or JDX, fmt will automatically be set to "dx" and package readJDX will be used for the import.


A file name. The completed object of S3 class Spectra2D will be written to this file.


Integer. Set to 1 or TRUE for basic reporting when there are problems. If importing JCAMP-DX files, values greater than 1 give additional and potentially huge output. Once you know which file is the problem, you may wish to troubleshoot directly using package readJDX.


Logical. Should the Spectra object be checked for integrity? If you are having trouble importing your data, set this to FALSE and do str(your object) to investigate.


Logical. Experimental Feature If TRUE, disable checking of the data set, and return all pieces of the raw import from import2Dspectra in the spectra$data object. The resulting object currently cannot be used by any other functions in this package! The intent is allow importing of spectra that differ slightly in the number of points in each dimension. With this option one can use str on the resulting object to inspect the differences. Future functions will allow one to clean up the data.


Arguments to be passed to read.table, list.files or readJDX; see the "Advanced Tricks" section. For read.table, You MUST supply values for sep, dec and header consistent with your file structure, unless they are the same as the defaults for read.table.


files2Spectra2DObject acts on all files in the current working directory with the specified fileExt so there should be no extraneous files with that extension in the directory.


One of these objects:

  • If allowSloppy = FALSE, the default, an object of class Spectra2D.

  • If allowSloppy = TRUE, an object of undocumented class SloppySpectra2D. These objects are experimental and are not checked by chkSpectra. For these objects spectra$F1 and spectra$F2 are NA, and each spectra$data entry is a list with elements F1, F2 and M, which is the matrix of imported data (basically, the object returned by import2Dspectra).

  • In each case, an unnamed object of S3 class Spectra2D or SloppySpectra2D is also written to out.file. To read it back into the workspace, use <- loadObject(out.file) (loadObject is package R.utils).

gr.crit and Sample Name Gotchas

The matching of gr.crit against the sample file names is done one at a time, in order, using grep. While powerful, this has the potential to lead to some "gotchas" in certain cases, noted below.

Your file system may allow file/sample names which R will not like, and will cause confusing behavior. File/sample names become variables in ChemoSpec, and R does not like things like "-" (minus sign or hyphen) in file/sample names. A hyphen is converted to a period (".") if found, which is fine for a variable name. However, a period in gr.crit is interpreted from the grep point of view, namely a period matches any single character. At this point, things may behave very differently than one might hope. See make.names for allowed characters in R variables and make sure your file/sample names comply.

The entries in gr.crit must be mutually exclusive. For example, if you have files with names like "Control_1" and "Sample_1" and use gr.crit = c("Control", "Sample") groups will be assigned as you would expect. But, if you have file names like "Control_1_Shade" and "Sample_1_Sun" you can't use gr.crit = c("Control", "Sample", "Sun", "Shade") because each criteria is grepped in order, and the "Sun/Shade" phrases, being last, will form the basis for your groups. Because this is a grep process, you can get around this by using regular expressions in your gr.crit argument to specify the desired groups in a mutually exclusive manner. In this second example, you could use gr.crit = c("Control(.*)Sun", "Control(.*)Shade", "Sample(.*)Sun", "Sample(.*)Shade") to have your groups assigned based upon both phrases in the file names.

To summarize, gr.crit is used as a grep pattern, and the file/sample names are the target. Make sure your file/sample names comply with make.names.

Finally, samples whose names are not matched using gr.crit are still incorporated into the Spectra2D object, but they are not assigned a group. Therefore they don't plot, but they do take up space in a plot! A warning is issued in these cases, since one wouldn't normally want a spectrum to be orphaned this way.

All these problems can generally be identified by running sumSpectra once the data is imported.

Advanced Tricks

The ... argument can be used to pass any argument to read.table or list.files. This includes the possibility of passing arguments that will cause trouble later, for instance na.strings in read.table. While one might successfully read in data with NA, it will eventually cause problems. The intent of this feature is to allow one to recurse a directory tree containing the data, and/or to specify a starting point other than the current working directory. So for instance if the current working directory is not the directory containing the data files, you can use path = "my_path" to point to the desired top-level directory, and recursive = TRUE to work your way through a set of subdirectories. In addition, if you are reading in JCAMP-DX files, you can pass arguments to readJDX via ..., e.g. SOFC = FALSE. Finally, while argument fileExt appears to be a file extension (from its name and the description elsewhere), it's actually just a grep pattern that you can apply to any part of the file name if you know how to construct the proper pattern.


Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University.

Align the Spectra in a Spectra2D Object using the HATS algorithm.


Align the spectra in a Spectra2D object using an implementation of the HATS algorithm described by Robinette et al.. Currently, only global, not local, alignment is carried out.


  maxF2 = NULL,
  maxF1 = NULL,
  dist_method = "cosine",
  minimize = FALSE,
  thres = 0.99, = 20L,
  restarts = 2L,
  method = "MBO",
  fill = "noise",
  plot = FALSE,
  debug = 1



An object of S3 class Spectra2D.


Integer. The most extreme positive F2step to allow during the alignment process (units are data points). Search for the optimal alignment will cover the region -maxF2 ... maxF2 and -maxF1 ... maxF1. Defaults to about 10% of the number of points.


Integer. As for maxF2, but for F1.


Character. The distance method to use in the objective function. See rowDist for options.


Logical. Is the goal to minimize the objective function? If so, use TRUE.


Numeric. Prior to launching the optimization, the objective function is evaluated for no shift in case this is actually the best alignment (saving a great deal of time). If this initial check exceeds the value of thres (when minimize = FALSE), or is below thres when minimize = TRUE, no optimization is performed and the unshifted spectra are returned.

Integer. The maximum number of iterations in the optimization.


Integer. The maximum number of independent rounds of optimization.


Character. Currently only method = "MBO" is available which uses the HATS algorithm plus model based optimization (aka Bayesian optimization) method to align the spectra. Use plot = TRUE to see this in action.


Aligning spectra requires that at least some spectra be shifted left/right and up/down. When a spectrum is shifted, spaces are opened that must be filled with something:

  • If fill = "zeros" the spaces are filled with zeros.

  • If fill = "noise" the spaces are filled with an estimate of the noise from the original spectrum.


Logical. Shall a plot of the alignment progress be made? The plot is useful for diagnostic purposes. Every step of the alignment has a corresponding plot so you should probably direct the output to a pdf file.



  • Values >= 1 give messages about alignment progress in black text.

  • Values >= 2 print the merge matrix from the hclust object, if plot is also TRUE. This is the guide tree.

  • For method = "MBO" values less than 2 suppress some messages and warnings from the underlying functions. If the alignment doesn't work well, set debug = 2.

  • Setting plot = TRUE also gives a view of alignment diagnostics.


An object of S3 class Spectra2D.


  • I suggest that you plot your possibly mis-aligned spectra first, zooming in on a small region where alignment might be an issue, and get an idea of the size of the alignment problem. This will help you choose good values for maxF1 and maxF2 which will speed up the search.

  • The algorithm uses random numbers to initialize the search, so set the seed for reproducible results. Different seeds may give different results; you may find it useful to experiment a bit and see how the alignment turns out.

  • Be sure that your choice of thres, minimize and dist_method are self-consistent. Some dist_method choices are bounded, others unbounded, and some should be minimized, others maximized.

  • You should use sampleDist to visualize the distances ahead of time. The method chosen should return a wide numerical range between samples or it won't give a good alignment result.


Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University.


Roughly follows the algorithm described in Robinette et al. 2011 Anal. Chem. vol. 83, 1649-1657 (2011)


## Not run: 
library("ggally") # for diagnostic plots
mylvls <- seq(3, 30, 3)

# Plot before alignment
  which = c(2, 3, 5, 6), showGrid = TRUE,
  lvls = LofL(mylvls, 4),
  cols = LofC(c("black", "red", "blue", "green"), 4, 10, 2)

# Carry out alignment
# You might want to direct the diagnostic output here to a pdf file
# This alignment takes about 90 seconds including the plotting overhead
MUD2a <- hats_alignSpectra2D(MUD2, method = "MBO", debug = 1, plot = TRUE)

# Plot after alignment
  which = c(2, 3, 5, 6), showGrid = TRUE,
  lvls = LofL(mylvls, 4),
  cols = LofC(c("black", "red", "blue", "green"), 4, 10, 2)

## End(Not run)

Import 2D Spectroscopic Data


This function imports a single file (for instance, a csv) containing a 2D spectroscopic data set. The current version handles various types of ASCII text files as well as a few other types. This function is called by files2Spectra2DObject and is exported and documented to assist in developing new format codes.


import2Dspectra(file, fmt, nF2, debug = 0, ...)



Character string giving the path to a file containing a 2D spectrum.


Character string giving the format code to use. Details below.


Integer giving the number of data points in the F2 (x) dimension. Note: If any dimension is zero-filled you may need to study the acquistion details to get the correct value for this argument. This may be vendor-dependent.


Integer. Applies to fmt = "dx" only. See readJDX for details.


Arguments to be passed to read.table, or readJDX. For read.table, You MUST supply values for sep, dec and header consistent with your file structure, unless they are the same as the defaults for read.table.


A list with 3 elements:

  • A matrix of the z values. The no. of columns = nF2 and the no. of rows follows from the size of the imported data.

  • A vector giving the F2 (x) values.

  • A vector giving the F1 (y) values.

Format Codes for Plain-Text ASCII Files

ASCII format codes are constructed in two parts separated by a hyphen. Three or more columns are expected. The first part gives the order of the columns in the file, e.g. F2F1R means the first column has the F2 values, the second column has the F1 values and the third the real-valued intensities. The second part of the format code relates to the order of the rows, i.e. which column varies fastest and in what direction. These codes are best understood in relation to how the data is stored internally in a matrix. The internal matrix is organized exactly as the data appears on the screen, with F2 decreasing left-to-right, and F1 increasing top-to-bottom. There are many possible formats (only those listed are implemented, please e-mail for help creating additional combinations):

  • "F2F1R-F2decF1dec" Columns in the file are F2 (x), F1 (y), real. Both F2 and F1 are decreasing. Last row is first in the file. This format is used at least some of the time by nmrPipe.

  • fmt = "F1F2RI-F1decF2dec2" Columns in the file are F1 (y), F2 (x), real and imaginary (imaginary data will be skipped). F1 is held at a fixed value while F2 decreases. F1 starts high and decreases, so last row is first in the file. There are two sets of data in the file: The data after FT'ing along F2 only, and the data after FT'ing along both dimensions. The "2" in the format name means we are taking the second data set. This format is used by JEOL when exporting to "generic ascii". Argument nF2 is ignored with this format as the value is sought from the corresponding *.hdr file. Doing so also allows one to import files with slightly different F1 and or F2, but for this to be successful you will need to 1) set allowSloppy = TRUE in the call to files2Spectra2DObject and 2) harmonize the dimensions manually after initial import.

Other Format Codes

Here are some other format codes you can use:

  • "SimpleM". Imports matrices composed of z values. The F2 and F1 values are created from the dimension of the matrix. After import, you will have to manually convert the F2 and F1 values to ppm. You may also have to transpose the matrices, or perhaps invert the order of the rows or columns. Imported via read.table.

  • "Btotxt". This format imports Bruker data written to a file using the Bruker "totxt" command. Tested with TopSpin 4.0.7. This format is read via readLines and thus the ... argument does not apply.

  • "dx". This format imports files written in the JCAMP-DX format, via package readJDX.


Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University.

Inspect Levels for Contour Plots of Spectra2D Objects


Given a Spectra2D object, this function will assist in selecting levels for preparing contour and image type plots. Any of the arguments to calcLvls can be used to compute the levels, or you can choose your own by inspection.


inspectLvls(spectra, which = 1, ...)



An object of S3 class Spectra2D.


Integer. The spectrum/spectra to be analyzed. If a vector, the intensities are combined.


Arguments to be passed downstream to calcLvls and/or the plot function (e.g. ylim).


A numeric vector giving the levels (invisibly).


Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University. [email protected]

See Also

See pfacSpectra2D for further examples.


inspectLvls(MUD1, ylim = c(0, 300), main = "MUD1 Spectrum 1, mode = even")
inspectLvls(MUD1, ylim = c(0, 300), mode = "NMR", main = "MUD1 Spectrum 1, mode = NMR")

Create a List of Colors


When overlaying multiple 2D NMR spectra, one needs to supply a vector of colors for each spectrum contour, as a list with length equal to the number of spectra to be plotted. This is a convenience function which takes a vector of colors and copies it into a list, ready for use with plotSpectra2D.


LofC(cols, nspec = 1L, ncon = 1L, mode = 1L)



Character. A vector of color designations.


Integer. The number of spectra to be plotted.


Integer. The number of contour levels.


Integer. How to replicate the colors:

  • If mode = 1L, each list element in the return value is a copy of cols. Use this mode when you want to use varied colors for the contour levels. length(cols) must be the same as the number of contour levels passed to plotSpectra2D, possibly via LofL.

  • If mode = 2L, each list element in the return value is composed of a single color. Use this mode when you want each spectrum to be plotted in its own color. The first list element is ncon replicates of cols[1], the second list element is n replicates of cols[2] etc. length(cols) must equal nspec in this mode.


A list of length nspec, the number of spectra to be plotted; each entry is a vector of colors.


mycols <- c("red", "green", "blue")
LofC(mycols, 1, 3, 1)
LofC(mycols, 3, 3, 2)

Create a List of Contour Levels


When overlaying multiple 2D NMR spectra, one needs to supply a vector of contour levels for each spectrum, as a list. This is a convenience function which takes a set of levels and copies it into a list, ready for use with plotSpectra2D.


LofL(lvls, n)



Numeric. A vector of the desired levels.


Integer. The number of spectra to be plotted, which is also the number of times to replicate the levels.


A list of length n; each entry is a copy of lvls.

See Also

plotSpectra2D for an example.

Multivariate Image Analysis (Tucker 1) of a Spectra2D Object


Carry out multivariate image analysis of a Spectra2D object (multivariate image analysis is the same as a Tucker1 analysis). Function pcasup1 from package ThreeWay is used.





An object of S3 class Spectra2D.


A list per pcasup1. Of particular interest are the elements C containing the eigenvectors and 1c containing the eigenvalues. We add the class mia to the list for our use later, as well as a method element for annotating plots.


Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University.


A. Smilde, R. Bro and P. Geladi "Multi-way Analysis: Applications in the Chemical Sciences" Wiley (2004). See especially Example 4.5.

P. Geladi and H. Grahn "Multivariate Image Analysis" Wiley (1996). Note that in this text the meanings of scores and loadings are reversed from the usual spectroscopic uses of the terms.

See Also

For other data reduction methods for Spectra2D objects, see pfacSpectra2D and popSpectra2D.


res <- miaSpectra2D(MUD1)

# plotScores & plotScree use ggplot2 graphics

p1 <- plotScores(MUD1, res, tol = 1.0, ellipse = "cls")
p1 <- p1 + ggtitle("MIA Scores")

p2 <- plotScree(res)

# plotLoadings2D uses base graphics
MUD1a <- plotLoadings2D(MUD1, res,
  load_lvls = seq(-90, 0, 10),
  main = "MIA Comp. 1 Loadings"

# Selection of loading matrix levels can be aided by the following
# Use MUD1a$names to find the index of the loadings

  which = 11, ylim = c(0, 80),
  main = "Histogram of Loadings Matrix"

Made Up 2D NMR-Like Data Sets


Made Up Data that resemble simple, HSQC-like 2D NMR data sets. Lean, low resolution and designed primarily to check graphics and test functions. As this is made up data, there is no underlying tri-linear structure and therefore one should NOT try to interpret the output of miaSpectra2D or pfacSpectra2D run on this data.

  • MUD1 is intended to test and demonstrate data reduction functions. The HSQC-like data is derived from the 1H and 13C spectra of 3-methyl-1-butanol and the corresponding ethyl ether, idealized slightly for simplicity. There are 10 spectra. Sample 1 is the alcohol; samples 2-5 are the alcohol with local shifts (specifically, two peaks have been shifted +/- one data point). Samples 6-10 are the ether, treated in a similar fashion.

  • MUD2 is intended to test and demonstrate alignment algorithms. The HSQC-like data is derived from the 1H and 13C spectra of 3-methyl-1-butanol, idealized slightly for simplicity. There are 10 spectra. The first one is "correct" and the other samples have global shifts on one or both dimensions.


The data are stored as a Spectra2D object.


Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University.


Created from scratch. Contact the author for a script if interested.

Normalize a Spectra2D Object


This function carries out normalization of the spectra in a Spectra2D object. The current options are:

  • "zero2one" normalizes each 2D spectrum to a [0 ... 1] scale.

  • "minusPlus" normalizes each 2D spectrum to a [-1 ... 1] scale.

  • "TotInt" normalizes each 2D spectrum so that the total area is one.


normSpectra2D(spectra, method = "zero2one")



An object of S3 class Spectra2D to be normalized.


Character string giving the method for normalization.


An object of S3 class Spectra2D.


Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University.

See Also

centscaleSpectra2D for another means of scaling.


MUD1n <- normSpectra2D(MUD1)
MUD1b <- removeFreq(MUD1, remF2 = 2.5 ~ 3.5)
MUD1bn <- normSpectra2D(MUD1b)

PARAFAC Analysis of a Spectra2D Object


Carry out PARAFAC analysis of a Spectra2D object. Function parafac from multiway is used. For large data sets, computational time may be long enough that it might desirable to run in batch mode and possibly use parallel processing.


pfacSpectra2D(spectra, parallel = FALSE, setup = FALSE, nfac = 2, ...)



An object of S3 class Spectra2D.


Logical. Should parallel processing be used? Unless you love waiting, you should use parallel processing for larger data sets. If you are working on a shared machine and/or another process (created by you or another user) might also try to access all or some of the cores in your CPU, you should be careful to avoid hogging the cores. parallel::detectCores() will tell you how many cores are available to everyone. You can run options(mc.cores = 2) to set the number of cores this function will use.


Logical. If TRUE the parallel environment will be automatically configured for you. If FALSE, the user must configure the environment themselves (desirable for instance if working on Azure or AWS EC2).


Integer. The number of factors/components to compute.


Additional parameters to be passed to function parafac. You should give thought to value of const, allowed options can be seen in const. The default is to compute an unconstrained solution. However, in some cases one may wish to apply a non-negativity constraint. Also, to suppress the progress bar, you can use verbose = FALSE.


An object of class pfac and parafac, modified to include a list element called $method which is parafac.


To get reproducible results you will need to set.seed(). See the example.


Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University.


R. Bro "PARAFAC. Tutorial and applications" Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems vol. 38 pgs. 149-171 (1997).

A. Smilde, R. Bro and P. Geladi "Multi-way Analysis: Applications in the Chemical Sciences" Wiley (2004).

See Also

For other data reduction methods for Spectra2D objects, see miaSpectra2D and popSpectra2D.


res <- pfacSpectra2D(MUD1, parallel = FALSE, nfac = 2)

# plotScores uses ggplot2 graphics

p1 <- plotScores(MUD1, res, leg.loc = "topright", ellipse = "cls")
p1 <- p1 + ggtitle("PARAFAC Score Plot")

# plotLoadings2D uses base graphics

res1 <- plotLoadings2D(MUD1, res,
  load_lvls = c(1, 5, 10, 15, 25),
  main = "PARAFAC Comp. 1 Loadings")
res2 <- plotLoadings2D(MUD1, res,
  load_lvls = c(1, 5, 10, 15, 25),
  ref = 2, ref_lvls = seq(5, 35, 5),
  ref_cols = rep("black", 7),
  main = "PARAFAC Comp. 1 Loadings + Ref. Spectrum")

# Selection of loading matrix levels can be aided by the following
# Use res1$names to find the index of the loadings

  which = 11, ylim = c(0, 50),
  main = "Histogram of Loadings Matrix")

Plot Loadings from a PARAFAC, MIA or POP Analysis of a Spectra2D Object


Computes (if necessary) and plots loadings from a PARAFAC, MIA or POP analysis of a Spectra2D object. The loadings matrix has has dimensions F1 x F2 and is a 2D pseudo-spectrum. A reference spectrum may also be drawn.


  load = 1,
  ref = NULL,
  load_lvls = NULL,
  ref_lvls = NULL,
  load_cols = NULL,
  ref_cols = NULL,
  plot = TRUE,



An object of S3 class Spectra2D.


("Score Object") One of the following:


An integer specifying the loading to plot.


An integer giving the spectrum in spectra to use as a reference spectrum, which is plotted behind the loadings. Defaults to NULL which does not plot a reference spectrum.


A vector specifying the contour levels for the loadings pseudo-spectrum. If NULL, values are computed using calcLvls.


A vector specifying the levels at which to compute contours for the reference spectrum. If NULL, values are computed using calcLvls.


A vector specifying the colors for the contours in the laoding spectrum. If NULL, defaults to a scheme of values running from blue (low) to red (high), centered on green (zero).


A vector specifying the colors for the contours in the reference spectrum. If NULL, set to gray.


Logical. Shall a plot be made? Plotting large data sets can be slow. Run the function with plot = FALSE, then use inspectLvls to figure out desirable levels, then set plot = TRUE.


Additional parameters to be passed to plotting functions. For instance showGrid = TRUE.


The modified Spectra2D object is returned invisibly. The loadings matrix will be appended with a sample of name of Loadings_x where x = load. Side effect is a plot.


You can view the color scale for the plot via showScale.

Levels & Colors

The number of levels and colors must match, and they are used 1 for 1. If you provide n colors, and no levels, the automatic calculation of levels may return a number of levels other than n, in which case the function will override your colors and assign new colors for the number of levels it computed (with a message). To get exactly what you want, specify both levels and colors in equal numbers. Function inspectLvls can help you choose appropriate levels.

Overlaying Spectra

If you specify more than one spectrum to plot, e.g. which = c(1,2), then arguments lvls and cols must be lists of levels and colors, one list element for each spectrum to be plotted (if specified at all). Two convenience functions exist to make this process easier: LofL and LofC. See the examples.


Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University.

See Also

Please see pfacSpectra2D, miaSpectra2D or popSpectra2D for examples.

Plot Scores from PCA, MIA or PARAFAC Analysis of a Spectra or Spectra2D Object


This function is used by ChemoSpec and ChemoSpec2D, but is formally part of ChemoSpecUtils. You can access full documentation via plotScores.

Scree Plots from PCA or MIA Analysis of a Spectra or Spectra2D Object


This function is used by ChemoSpec and ChemoSpec2D, but is formally part of ChemoSpecUtils. You can access full documentation via plotScree.

Plot a Slice of a Spectra2D Object


Plots a slice of a 2D spectrum stored in a Spectra2D object.


plotSlice(spectra, which = 1, F2 = NULL, F1 = NULL, showGrid = TRUE, ...)



An object of S3 class Spectra2D.


A single integer specifying which 2D spectrum from which to plot the slice.


A single frequency to plot. Matched to the nearest value.


As for F2.


Logical. If TRUE, show a dotted gray line at each x axis tick mark.


Additional parameters to be passed to the plotting routines.


Side effect is a plot.


Only one of F2 or F1 should be given.


Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University.


plotSlice(MUD1, F1 = 22, main = "Slice @ F1 = 22 ppm")

Plot a Spectra2D Object


Plots a 2D spectrum stored in a Spectra2D object. This is primarily for inspection and for preparation of final plots. If you need to do extensive exploration, you should probably go back to the spectrometer.


  which = 1,
  lvls = NULL,
  cols = NULL,
  showNA = TRUE,
  showGrid = FALSE,



An object of S3 class Spectra2D.


An integer specifying which spectrum to plot. May be a vector.


A numeric vector specifying the levels at which to compute contours. If NULL, values are computed using calcLvls. If argument which gives more than one spectrum to plot, then lvls must be a list of levels of length(which).


A vector of valid color designations. If provided, must be of the the same length as lvls (i.e. each contour is a particular color). If NULL, defaults to using a scheme of up to nine values running from blue (low) to red (high), centered on green (zero). If argument which gives more than one spectrum to plot, then cols must be a list of colors of length(which).


Logical. Should the locations of peaks removed by removePeaks2D be shown? If present, these are shown by a gray line at each frequency.


Logical. If TRUE, show a dotted gray line at each tick mark.


Additional parameters to be passed to the plotting routines.


Side effect is a plot.


One cannot remove frequencies from the interior of a 2D NMR data set and expect to get a meaningful contour plot, because doing so puts unrelated peaks adjacent in the data set. This would lead to contours being drawn that don't exist in the original data set. This function will check for missing frequencies and stops if any are found.


You can view the color scale for the plot via showScale.

Levels & Colors

The number of levels and colors must match, and they are used 1 for 1. If you provide n colors, and no levels, the automatic calculation of levels may return a number of levels other than n, in which case the function will override your colors and assign new colors for the number of levels it computed (with a message). To get exactly what you want, specify both levels and colors in equal numbers. Function inspectLvls can help you choose appropriate levels.

Overlaying Spectra

If you specify more than one spectrum to plot, e.g. which = c(1,2), then arguments lvls and cols must be lists of levels and colors, one list element for each spectrum to be plotted (if specified at all). Two convenience functions exist to make this process easier: LofL and LofC. See the examples.


Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University.


mylvls <- seq(5, 30, 5)
  which = 7, lvls = mylvls,
  main = "MUD1 Sample 7"

# Invert the screen which makes the colors pop!
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(bg = "black", fg = "white", col.axis = "white", col.main = "white")
  which = 7, lvls = mylvls,
  main = "MUD1 Sample 7"

# Overlay multiple spectra:

  which = c(6, 1), lvls = LofL(mylvls, 2),
  cols = LofC(c("red", "black"), 2, length(mylvls), 2),
  main = "MUD1 Sample 1 (red) & Sample 6 (black)\n(4 of 6 peaks overlap)"

Plain Old PCA (POP) of Spectra2D Objects


This function unstacks a Spectra2D object and conducts IRLBA PCA on it. To unstack, each F1 slice (parallel to F2) is concatenated one after the other so that each 2D spectrum becomes a 1D spectrum. The length of this spectrum will be equal to the length of the F2 dimension times the length of the F1 dimension. PCA is performed on the collection of 1D spectra (one spectrum from each 2D spectrum). The IRLBA algorithm is used because the resulting matrix (n samples in rows x F1 * F2 columns) can be very large, and other PCA algorithms can struggle.


popSpectra2D(spectra, n = 3, choice = "noscale", ...)



An object of S3 class Spectra2D.


Integer. The number of components desired.


A character string indicating the choice of scaling. One of c("noscale", "autoscale", "Pareto").


Other parameters to be passed to prcomp_irlba.


The scale choice autoscale scales the columns by their standard deviation. Pareto scales by the square root of the standard deviation. "autoscale" is called "standard normal variate" or "correlation matrix PCA" in some literature. This action is performed on the unstacked matrix, as is centering.


An object of classes prcomp, pop and computed_via_irlba modified to include a list element called $method, a character string describing the pre-processing carried out and the type of PCA performed (used to annotate plots).


Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University.


J. Baglama and L. Reichel, "Augmented Implicitly Restarted Lanczos Bidiagonalization Methods" SIAM J. Sci. Comput. (2005).

See Also

For other data reduction methods for Spectra2D objects, see miaSpectra2D and pfacSpectra2D.


res <- popSpectra2D(MUD1)

# plotScores & plotScree use ggplot2 graphics

p1 <- plotScores(MUD1, res, ellipse = "cls")
p1 <- p1 + ggtitle("POP Scores")

p2 <- plotScree(res)

# plotLoadings2D uses base graphics

MUD1a <- plotLoadings2D(MUD1, res,
  load_lvls = c(-0.2, -0.1, 0.1, 0.2),
  load_cols = rep("black", 4), main = "POP Comp. 1 Loadings")

Remove Frequencies from a Spectra or Spectra2D Object


This function is used by ChemoSpec and ChemoSpec2D, but is formally part of ChemoSpecUtils. You can access full documentation via removeFreq.

Remove Groups from a Spectra or Spectra2D Object


This function is used by ChemoSpec and ChemoSpec2D, but is formally part of ChemoSpecUtils. You can access full documentation via removeGroup.

Remove Peaks in a Spectra2D Object


This function sets peaks at specified frequencies in a Spectra2D object to NA. This effectively removes these peaks from calculations of contours which can speed things up and clarifies the visual presentation of data. This function is useful for removing regions with large interfering peaks (e.g. the water peak in 1H NMR), or regions that are primarily noise. This function leaves the frequency axes intact. Note that the parafac function, used by pfacSpectra2D, does not allow NA in the input data matrices. See removeFreq for a way to shrink the data set without introducing NAs.


removePeaks2D(spectra, remF2 = NULL, remF1 = NULL)



An object of S3 class Spectra2D from which to remove selected peaks.


A formula giving the range of frequencies to be set to NA. May include "low" or "high" representing the extremes of the spectra. Values outside the range of F2 are tolerated without notice and are handled min or max.See the examples.


As for remF2.


An object of S3 class Spectra2D.


Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University.

See Also



# Note we will set contours a bit low to better
# show what is going on.


  which = 7, lvls = 0.1, cols = "black",
  main = "MUD1 Sample 7: Complete Data Set"

MUD1a <- removePeaks2D(MUD1, remF2 = 2.5 ~ 4)
  which = 7, lvls = 0.1, cols = "black",
  main = "MUD1 Sample 7\nRemoved Peaks: F2 2.5 ~ 4"

MUD1b <- removePeaks2D(MUD1, remF2 = low ~ 2)
  which = 7, lvls = 0.1, cols = "black",
  main = "MUD1 Sample 7\nRemoved Peaks: F2 low ~ 2"

MUD1c <- removePeaks2D(MUD1, remF1 = high ~ 23)
  which = 7, lvls = 0.1, cols = "black",
  main = "MUD1 Sample 7\nRemoved Peaks: F1 high ~ 23"

MUD1d <- removePeaks2D(MUD1, remF2 = 2.5 ~ 4, remF1 = 45 ~ 55)
  which = 7, lvls = 0.1, cols = "black",
  main = "MUD1 Sample 7\nRemoved Peaks: F2 2.5 ~ 4 & F1 45 ~ 55"

Remove Samples from a Spectra or Spectra2D Object


This function is used by ChemoSpec and ChemoSpec2D, but is formally part of ChemoSpecUtils. You can access full documentation via removeSample.

Compute the Distances Between Samples in a Spectra or Spectra2D Object


This function is used by ChemoSpec and ChemoSpec2D, but is formally part of ChemoSpecUtils. You can access full documentation via sampleDist.

Shift the Spectra in a Spectra2D Object


Shift the spectra in a Spectra2D object manually. During shifting, some rows or columns are thrown away and new rows or columns are introduced. These new entries may be filled with zeros, or noise from the original spectra.

  • (+) shiftF2 - shift right: trim right, fill left

  • (-) shiftF2 - shift left: trim left, fill right

  • (+) shiftF1 - shift up: trim top, fill bottom

  • (-) shiftF1 - shift down: trim bottom, fill top


  which = NULL,
  shiftF2 = 0L,
  shiftF1 = 0L,
  fill = "noise"



An object of S3 class Spectra2D.


An integer specifying which spectra to shift. May be a vector.


Integer. The number of data points to shift along the F2 dimension. See Details.


As per shiftF2, but for the F1 dimension.


Aligning spectra requires that at least some spectra be shifted left/right and up/down. When a spectrum is shifted, spaces are opened that must be filled with something:

  • If fill = "zeros" the spaces are filled with zeros.

  • If fill = "noise" the spaces are filled with an estimate of the noise from the original spectrum.


An object of S3 class Spectra2D.


Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University.


# Show the first two spectra, overlaid

mylvls <- seq(5, 35, 5)
  which = 1:2, lvls = LofL(mylvls, 2),
  cols = LofC(c("red", "black"), 2, length(mylvls), 2),
  main = "MUD2 Sample 1 (black) & Sample 2 (red)"

# Now shift Sample 2
MUD2s <- shiftSpectra2D(MUD2, which = 2, shiftF1 = -2)
  which = 1:2, lvls = LofL(mylvls, 2),
  cols = LofC(c("red", "black"), 2, length(mylvls), 2),
  main = "MUD2 Sample 1 (black) & Sample 2 (red)\n(samples now aligned/overlap)"

Display a pdf Version of the Contour Scale


This function opens the files containing the contour scale in an appropriate viewer. One file has a white background and the other a black background.




## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Spectra2D Objects


In ChemoSpec2D, spectral data sets are stored in an S3 class called Spectra2D, which contains a variety of information in addition to the spectra themselves. Spectra2D objects are created by files2Spectra2DObject.


The structure of a Spectra2D object is a list of eight elements and an attribute as follows: w

element type description
$F2 num A common frequency (or wavelength) axis corresponding
to the F2 dimension in NMR or the x axis more generally.
Must be sorted ascending.
$F1 num A common frequency (or wavelength) axis corresponding
to the F1 dimension in NMR or the y axis more generally.
Must be sorted ascending.
$data num A list of matrices. Each matrix contains a 2D spectrum.
Each matrix should have length(F1) rows and
length(F2) columns. The matrix must not have dimnames.
The low end of the F2 dimension is last column of the last row
(lower right hand corner as typically displayed). The low end of
the F1 dimension is the last column of the first row (upper right hand corner).
In other words, the spectrum is stored as typically displayed.
The list of matrices, if named, should have the same names as
names. However, this is not currently enforced.
$names chr The sample names for the spectra; length must be no. samples.
$groups factor The group classification of the samples; length must be no. samples.
$colors character Colors for plotting; length must be no. samples.
Colors correspond to groups.
$units chr Three entries, the first giving the F2 (x) axis unit, the
second the F1 (y) axis unit, and the third the z axis unit,
usually some kind of intensity.
$desc chr A character string describing the data set.
- attr chr "Spectra2D" The S3 class designation.


Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University.

See Also

sumSpectra to summarize a Spectra2D object. sumGroups to summarize group membership of a Spectra2D object. chkSpectra to verify the integrity of a Spectra2D object.



Summarize the Group Membership of a Spectra or Spectra2D Object


This function is used by ChemoSpec and ChemoSpec2D, but is formally part of ChemoSpecUtils. You can access full documentation via sumGroups.

Summarize a Spectra or Spectra2D Object


This function is used by ChemoSpec and ChemoSpec2D, but is formally part of ChemoSpecUtils. You can access full documentation via sumSpectra.

Update Group Names in a Spectra or Spectra2D Object


This function is used by ChemoSpec and ChemoSpec2D, but is formally part of ChemoSpecUtils. You can access full documentation via updateGroups.