This vignette is based upon ChemoSpec
version 6.1.10
relying on ChemoSpecUtils
version 1.0.4.
is a collection of functions for top-down exploratory data analysis of spectral data including nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), infrared (IR), Raman, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and other similar types of spectroscopy. Includes functions for plotting and inspecting spectra, peak alignment, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), principal components analysis (PCA) and model-based clustering. Robust methods appropriate for this type of high-dimensional data are available.ChemoSpec
is designed for structured experiments, such as metabolomics investigations, where the samples fall into treatment and control groups. Graphical output is formatted consistently for publication quality plots.ChemoSpec
is intended to be very user friendly and to help you get usable results quickly. A vignette covering typical operations is available.
Chemometrics, as defined by Varmuza and Filzmoser (Varmuza and Filzmoser 2009), is
“… the extraction of relevant information from chemical data by mathematical and statistical tools.”
This is an appropriately broad definition, considering the wealth of
questions and tasks that can be treated by chemometric approaches. In
our case, the focus is on spectral data sets, which typically have many
variables (frequencies) and relatively few samples. Such multivariate,
high p, low n data sets present some algorithmic challenges,
but these have been addressed by knowledgeable folks. In particular, for
both the practical and theoretical background to multivariate
chemometric analysis, I strongly recommend the Varmuza/Filzmoser book
(Varmuza and
Filzmoser 2009). Some of the functions described here are not
much more than wrappers for the functions they and others have made
available to the R
community in their packages. Another
excellent text is the one by Ron Wehrens (Wehrens 2011).
was developed for the chemometric analysis of
spectroscopic data, such as XRF (Panchuk et al. 2018), UV-Vis, NMR or
IR data, including MIR and NIR. ChemoSpec
also works with
chromatographic data (see below) and less commonly encountered
techniques such as circular dichroism.2 The purpose of
is to make chemometric tools readily available to
a wide range of researchers who might be new to R
. The
approach is entirely exploratory and unsupervised, in other words,
“top-down” (Wishart
2007). ChemoSpec
is designed to accommodate
samples that have different histories, i.e., they fall into different
classes, categories or groups. Examples would be treatment and control
groups, or simply different specimens (red flowers vs. blue flowers).
is designed to be as user friendly as possible,
with plenty of error checking, helpful warnings and a consistent
interface. It also produces graphics that are consistent in style and
annotation, and are suitable for use in publications and posters.
Careful attention was given to writing the documentation for the
functions, but this vignette serves as the best starting point for
learning data analysis with ChemoSpec
is not intended to duplicate the work that is
typically done on the spectrometer.
The centerpiece of ChemoSpec
is the Spectra
object. This is the place where your data is stored and made available
to R
. Once your data in stored this way and checked, all
analyses are easily carried out. ChemoSpec
currently ships
with several built-in data sets; we’ll use one called
in this vignette. You will see in just a moment how
to access it and inspect it.
I assume you have at least a bare-bones knowledge of R
as you begin to learn ChemoSpec
, and have a good workflow
set up. For detailed help on any function discussed here, type
at the console. If you type
and click the index link at the bottom, you will
see all the available functions, which is also convenient when you can’t
quite remember the name of a particular function.
Finally, some conventions for this document: names of R
“objects” such as packages, functions, function arguments, and data sets
are in typewriter
font as are file names
. The
commands you issue at the console and the output are shown with a light
grey background, and are colored according to use and purpose, courtesy
of the excellent knitr
package (Xie 2024).
By the way, if you try ChemoSpec
and find it useful,
have questions, have opinions, or have suggestions, please do let me
know. The version you are using already incorporates a great deal of
user input, why not add yours? Possible bugs and feature requests should
be documented using the Github issues
As mentioned, ChemoSpec
tries really hard to produce top
quality graphics ready for use. The format, layout and annotations are
consistent. From the beginning of ChemoSpec
, the graphics
were produced using R
s built-in base
system. However, as of version 6, ggplot2
graphics and
graphics can be used for the most commonly used
functions (and base
is still available too) (Wickham et al. 2024; Sievert et al. 2024). At startup, the
graphics mode is set to ggplot2
. More information can be
found at ?GraphicsOptions
This sample exploration is designed to illustrate a typical
workflow. The point is to illustrate how to carry
out the commands, what options are available and typically used, and the
order in which one might do the analysis.
You may wish to put your versions of these commands into a script
file that you can source as you go along. This way you can easily make
changes, and it will all be reproducible. To do this, open a blank
document, and type in your commands. Save it as something
like My_First_ChemoSpec.R
. Then you can either cut and
paste portions of it to the console for execution, or you can source the
entire thing:
A typical chemometrics workflow is illustrated in Figure @ref(fig:workflow). Depending upon the nature of your data, some of these steps may be irrelevant or may be omitted, and the order may need to be changed. Examples are in the following sections.
A typical workflow. For a given data set, some steps may be omitted and the order changed. That is part of what is meant by exploratory data analysis!
There are two means of importing raw data sets into
. One is the function
, which assumes that your raw data exist
as separate files in a single directory, each file containing a
frequency column and an intensity column. A header row may or may not be
present, and the data can be separated by any separation mark you like
(typically comma, tab, semi-colon or space). You may also use comma or
period as the decimal mark. These options permit data to be imported
from files written by a wide variety of instruments using various
conventions.3 It is also possible to import files in the
JCAMP-DX format.
The second function is matrix2SpectraObject
, which
assumes you have a single file containing a matrix of the data. This
matrix should have frequencies in the first column, and individual
sample intensities in the remaining columns. There must be a header row
in the file, and it must contain the sample names (except the first
entry, which marks the frequencies, is ignored). Other than this
requirement, you have all the flexibility described above.
Please be sure to read the help at ?files2SpectraObject
for the details, and be certain to pay special attention to the
argument, as this is how your choice of header,
separator, and decimal mark are conveyed to read.table
which does the actual reading.
It’s a very good practice to name your data files using a system that
encodes any class membership. For example, if your data set contains
treatment and control groups, or any analogous class/group information,
this information should be available via the file names. The argument
will be the basis for a grep process on the
file/sample names, and from there, each sample will be assigned to a
group and be assigned a color as well. If your samples don’t fall into
groups, that’s fine too, but you still have to give gr.crit
something to go on – just give it one string that is common to all the
file names. Obviously, this approach encourages one to name the files as
they come off the instrument with forethought as to how they will be
analyzed, which in turn depends upon your experimental design. Nothing
wrong with having a plan!
The output of files2SpectraObject
is a Spectra
which is R
-speak for an object that contains not only your
data, but other information about the data, as provided by you via the
arguments to the function.
Here’s a typical situation. Let’s say you had a folder containing 30
NMR files of flower essential oils. Imagine that 18 of these were from
one proposed subspecies, and 12 from another. Further, let’s pretend
that the question under investigation has something to do with the
taxonomy of these two supposed subspecies, in other words, an
investigation into whether or not they should be considered subspecies
at all. If the files were named like sspA1.csv
and sspB1.csv
then the following command should process the
files and create the desired Spectra
ssp <- files2SpectraObject(
gr.crit = c("sspA", "sspB"),
gr.cols = c("red", "blue"),
freq.unit = "ppm",
int.unit = "peak intensity",
descrip = "Subspecies Study",
out.file = "subsp")
This causes files2SpectraObject
to inspect the file
names for the strings "sspA"
and "sspB"
use these to assign the samples into groups. Samples in
files will be assigned the color red and
will be assigned blue (see Section
@ref(sec:colsymsec) for some suggestions about planning ahead on color
choices, as well as ?colorSymbol
). After running this
command, a new file called subsp.RData
will be in your
directory, and and a Spectra
object called ssp
will be in your workspace ready for exploration. At a later date, you
don’t have to re-import your data, you can use the saved version and
give it whatever name you like as follows (function
is from package R.utils
Now it is ready to use.
While all the language in this vignette and in the package are geared
toward analysis of spectra, ChemoSpec
can also works quite
well with chromatograms as the raw data. In this case, time replaces
frequency of course, but other than that the analysis is virtually the
same. So the only real difference is when you import the data, e.g. via
, you will give the frequency unit along
these lines: freq.unit = "time (minutes)"
ships with several built-in data sets.
is the set used for this vignette. It is composed of
a collection of 14 IR spectra of essential oil extracted from the palm
Serenoa repens or Saw Palmetto, which is commonly used to treat
BPH in men. The 14 spectra are of different retail samples, and are
divided into two categories based upon the label description: adSrE,
adulterated extract, and pSrE, pure extract. The adulterated samples
typically have olive oil added to them, which has no effect on BPH.
There are two additional spectra included as references/outliers:
evening primrose oil, labeled EPO in the data set, and olive oil,
labeled OO. These latter two oils are mixtures of triglycerides for the
most part, while the SrE samples are largely fatty acids. As a result,
the spectra of these two groups differ: the glycerides have ester
carbonyl stretches and no O–H stretch, while the fatty acids have acid
carbonyl stretches and an O–H stretch consistent with a carboxylic acid
Also included is SrE.NMR
which is the corresponding set
of NMR spectra. Finally, there are two synthetic data sets,
and metMUD2
which contain NMR
metabolomics data. For more detail type ?SrE.IR
or more
generally, ?data_set_name
The SrE.IR
data set is used as the example in this
vignette as the sample spectra are fairly different and give good
separation by most chemometric methods.
The first thing you should do, and this is very important, is to make sure your data are in good shape. First, you can summarize the data set you created, and verify that the data ranges and other details look like you expect them to:
## Serenoa repens IR quality study
## There are 16 spectra in this set.
## The y-axis unit is absorbance.
## The frequency scale runs from
## 399.2123 to 3999.837 wavenumber
## There are 1868 frequency values.
## The frequency resolution is
## 1.9286 wavenumber/point.
## The spectra are divided into 4 groups:
## group no. color symbol alt.sym
## 1 adSrE 10 #984EA3 15 d
## 2 EPO 1 #377EB8 2 b
## 3 OO 1 #4DAF4A 3 c
## 4 pSrE 4 #E41A1C 1 a
## *** Note: this is an S3 object
## of class 'Spectra'
provides several pieces of information, and
we’ll discuss some of them as we go along.
Assuming that everything looks good so far, it’s time to plot the spectra and inspect them. A good practice would be to check every spectrum for artifacts and other potential problems. There are three functions that can do this for you:
takes the pain out of inspecting quite
a few spectra (previously this was called loopThruSpectra
In base
graphics mode, it shows you one spectrum at a time,
and waits for a return to be typed in the console before proceeding. In
graphics mode, all the spectra are shown at once in
a web page.plotSpectra
is intended for general use and
publication-quality graphics. You will generally have to play with the
arguments a bit if plotting more than one spectrum.plotSpectraJS
is the interactive version of
. It shows your data in a web page with the
ability to offset the spectra and zoom as desired. For really large data
sets it may be slow; see the help page for ways to avoid that.A basic plot using plotSpectra
is shown in Figure
@ref(fig:sample-plot). In this case we have chosen to plot one spectrum
from each category. Note that the carbonyl and Csp2-H regions
are clearly different in these samples.
# We'll make a fancy title here and re-use in other plots
myt <- expression(bolditalic(Serenoa)~bolditalic(repens)~bold(Extract~IR~Spectra))
p <- plotSpectra(SrE.IR, which = c(1, 2, 14, 16), yrange = c(0, 1.6),
offset = 0.4, lab.pos = 2200)
p <- p + ggtitle(myt)
p # when using ggplot2, you have to "call" the object containing the plot
Sample plot.
Depending upon the intensity range of your data set, and the number
of spectra to be plotted, you have to manually adjust the arguments
, offset
and amplify
, but
this usually only takes a few iterations. Keep in mind that
, and amplify
are multiplied in the
function, so if you increase one, you may need to decrease the other.
Suppose that you wanted to focus just on the carbonyl region of these
spectra; you can add the argument
coord_cartesian(xlim = ...)
. See Figure
p <- plotSpectra(SrE.IR, which = c(1, 2, 14, 16), yrange = c(0, 0.6),
offset = 0.1, lab.pos = 1775)
p <- p + ggtitle(myt) + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(1650, 1800))
## Coordinate system already present. Adding new coordinate system, which will
## replace the existing one.
Detail of the carbonyl region.
These sample plots display the IR spectra in two ways that may be
upsetting to some readers: First, the x-axis is “backwards”, because the
underlying spectra were originally saved with an ascending frequency
axis (which is not always the case). This is readily fixed by supplying
the xlim
argument in the desired order,
e.g. xlim = c(1800, 1650)
in the previous example. Second,
the vertical scale in these examples is absorbance. When using IR for
structural elucidation, the vertical axis is typically %T, with the
peaks pointing downward. However, absorbance mode is the appropriate one
for chemometrics. Record your original spectra that way and get used to
The argument which
in plotSpectra
takes a
integer vector of the spectra you wish to plot— you can think of this as
the row number if you imagine each spectra to be a row in a matrix, with
intensities in the columns (with each column corresponding to a
particular frequency value). You may be wondering how to determine which
particular sample is in each row. This is best accomplished with a grep
command. For instance, if you wanted to know what row/sample the olive
oil was in, either of the following methods would locate it for you:
## [1] "CVS_adSrE" "ET_pSrE" "GNC_adSrE" "LF_adSrE" "MDB_pSrE" "NA_pSrE"
## [7] "Nat_adSrE" "NP_adSrE" "NR_pSrE" "NSI_adSrE" "NW_adSrE" "SN_adSrE"
## [13] "Sol_adSrE" "SV_EPO" "TD_adSrE" "TJ_OO"
## [1] 16
There are a number of data pre-processing options available for your consideration. The main choices are whether to normalize the data, whether to bin the data, and whether to scale the data. Baseline correction is another typical action, and for some NMR data sets one might need to carry out aligment. Data scaling is handled by the PCA routines, see Section @ref(sec:pca). Engel et al. (2013) has a good discussion of pre-processing. Karakach, Wentzell, and Walter (2009) has a good discussion of error sources in 1H NMR data.
uses the functions in the package
to correct wandering baselines (Liland and Mevik
2023). The function, baselineSpectra
, can show
you the original and corrected baselines if desired, which is useful for
choosing a method. Figure @ref(fig:baseline) shows a typical usage.
Method modployfit
works well for IR spectra, but there are
several choices and you should experiment. retC = TRUE
the corrected spectra into the new Spectra
object so we can
use it going forward (and we will).
Correcting baseline drift.
For 1H NMR data, it is sometimes desirable to align the
spectra. This compensates in part for changes in dilution, ionic
strength, or pH that can cause significant shifts for some types of
protons. Spectra with broad, rolling peaks won’t have this problem
(UV-Vis or IR for example). ChemoSpec
provides the
function for this purpose. You can see an
example here.
Another type of pre-processing that you may wish to consider is binning or bucketing, in which groups of frequencies are collapsed into one frequency value, and the corresponding intensities are summed. There are two reasons for doing this:
are quite fast, and large data sets don’t
really slow it down much.This example illustrates the process but is not necessary with IR data:
## Serenoa repens IR quality study
## There are 16 spectra in this set.
## The y-axis unit is absorbance.
## The frequency scale runs from
## 402.1052 to 3996.945 wavenumber
## There are 467 frequency values.
## The frequency resolution is
## 7.71425 wavenumber/point.
## The spectra are divided into 4 groups:
## group no. color symbol alt.sym
## 1 adSrE 10 #984EA3 15 d
## 2 EPO 1 #377EB8 2 b
## 3 OO 1 #4DAF4A 3 c
## 4 pSrE 4 #E41A1C 1 a
## *** Note: this is an S3 object
## of class 'Spectra'
Compare the results here with the sumSpectra
of the full
data set (Section @ref(sec:prelim)). In particular note that the
frequency resolution has gone down due to the binning process.
uses the simplest of binning algorithms: after
perhaps dropping a few points (with a warning) to make your data set
divisible by the specified bin.ratio
, data points are
replaced by the average frequency and the sum of the grouped
intensities. Depending upon the fine structure in your data and the
this might cause important peaks to be split
between different bins. There are more sophisticated binning algorithms
in the literature that try to address this, but none are currently
implemented in ChemoSpec
et al. (2008), De Meyer et al. (2008), Sousa,
Magalhaes, and Castro Ferreira (2013)). It’s probably better to align
the spectra as described above than risk splitting peaks by binning.
Normalization is handled by the normSpectra
Usually one normalizes data in which the sample preparation procedure
may lead to differences in concentration, such as body fluids that might
have been diluted during handling, or that vary due to the physiological
state of the organism studied. The SrE.IR
data set is taken
by placing the oil extract directly on an ATR device and no dilution is
possible, so normalization isn’t really appropriate. Please see the help
page for the normalization options. The literature contains a number of
useful discussions about normalization issues (Craig et al. (2006)
Romano, Santini, and Indovina (2000) Berg et
al. (2006) Varmuza and Filzmoser (2009) Zhang
et al. (2009)).
In the process of plotting and inspecting your spectra, you may find some spectra/samples that have problems. Perhaps they have instrumental artifacts. Or maybe you have decided to eliminate one subgroup of samples from your data set to see how the results differ.
To remove a particular sample, or samples meeting a certain criteria,
use the removeSample
function. This function uses a
grepping process based on its rem.sam
argument, so you must
be careful due to the greediness of grep. Let’s imagine that sample
TD_adSrE has artifacts and needs to be removed. The command would
## Serenoa repens IR quality study
## There are 15 spectra in this set.
## The y-axis unit is absorbance.
## The frequency scale runs from
## 399.2123 to 3999.837 wavenumber
## There are 1868 frequency values.
## The frequency resolution is
## 1.9286 wavenumber/point.
## The spectra are divided into 4 groups:
## group no. color symbol alt.sym
## 1 adSrE 9 #984EA3 15 d
## 2 EPO 1 #377EB8 2 b
## 3 OO 1 #4DAF4A 3 c
## 4 pSrE 4 #E41A1C 1 a
## *** Note: this is an S3 object
## of class 'Spectra'
## integer(0)
The sumSpectra
command confirms that there are now one
fewer spectra in the set. As shown, you could also re-grep for the
sample name to verify that it is not found. The first argument in
is the pattern you are searching for; if that pattern
matches more than one name they will all be “caught.” For example if you
used “SrE” as your pattern you would remove all the samples except the
two reference samples, since “SrE” occurs in “adSrE” and “pSrE”. You can
check this in advance with the grep function itself:
## [1] "CVS_adSrE" "ET_pSrE" "GNC_adSrE" "LF_adSrE" "MDB_pSrE" "NA_pSrE"
## [7] "Nat_adSrE" "NP_adSrE" "NR_pSrE" "NSI_adSrE" "NW_adSrE" "SN_adSrE"
## [13] "Sol_adSrE" "TD_adSrE"
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15
This is what is meant by “grep is greedy”. In this situation, you have three choices:
would give you an idea of how to do that; see
also below under Hierarchical Cluster Analysis).removeSample
also accepts indices of samples, so you
could grep as above, note the index of the sample you actually want to
remove, and use that in rem.sam
uses the names of the samples (in
) to identify and remove individual samples
from the Spectra
object. There is also a function
which will remove samples belonging to a
particular group in Spectra$groups
Many spectra will have regions that should be removed before analysis. It may be an uninformative, interfering peak like the water peak in 1H NMR, or the CO2 peak in IR. Or, there may be regions of the spectra that simply don’t have much information – they contribute a noisy baseline and not much else. An example would be the region from about 1,800 or 1,900 cm-1 to about 2,500 cm-1 in IR, a region where there are typically no peaks except for the atmospheric CO2 stretch, and rarely (be careful!) alkyne stretches.
Finding these regions might be pretty simple, a matter of inspection
coupled with your knowledge of spectroscopy. Another approach is to use
the function surveySpectra
to examine the entire set of
spectra. This function computes a summary statistic (your choice) of the
intensities at a particular frequency across the data set, as well as
the mean or median. In regions with little variation, the mean/median
and upper/lower summary lines will be close together. Figure
@ref(fig:survey-1) demonstrates the process. There is also an
alternative, surveySpectra2
which presents the data in a
slightly different format. See Figure @ref(fig:survey-2).
Checking for regions of no interest.
Checking for regions of no interest.
In Figure @ref(fig:survey-1) we kept all the groups together by using
argument = FALSE
. We also looked at the entire
spectral range. In Figure @ref(fig:survey-3) we can look just at the
carbonyl region. The black line is the median value of intensity across
the entire set of spectra. The red lines are the upper and lower
interquartile ranges which makes it pretty clear that the carbonyl
region of this data set varies a lot.
p <- surveySpectra(SrE2.IR, method = "iqr", = FALSE)
p <- p + ggtitle("Detail of Carbonyl Region") + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(1650, 1800))
Detail of carbonyl region.
Finally, surveySpectra
allows us to view the data set by
group, which is really more useful. Let’s look at the carbonyl region by
group (Figure @ref(fig:survey-4)). Note that we get warnings because two
of the groups have too few members to compute the interquartile range,
and these are not shown.
## Group EPO has 3 or fewer members
## so your stats are not very useful...
## This group has been dropped for display purposes!
## Group OO has 3 or fewer members
## so your stats are not very useful...
## This group has been dropped for display purposes!
Detail of carbonyl region by group.
For reasons that will become evident in a moment, let’s look at the region between 1800 and 2500 cm-1 (Figure @ref(fig:survey-5)).
p <- surveySpectra(SrE2.IR, method = "iqr", = FALSE)
p <- p + ggtitle("An Uninteresting Region") +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(1800, 2500), ylim = c(0.0, 0.03))
Inspection of an uninteresting spectral region.
From a theoretical perspective, we expect this region to be devoid of
interesting peaks. In fact, even when pooling the groups the signal in
this region is very weak, and the only peak present is due to
atmospheric CO2. We can remove this region, since it is
primarily noise and artifact, with the function removeFreq
as follows. Note that there are fewer frequency points now.4
SrE3.IR <- removeFreq(SrE2.IR, rem.freq = SrE2.IR$freq > 1800 & SrE2.IR$freq < 2500)
## Serenoa repens IR quality study
## There are 16 spectra in this set.
## The y-axis unit is absorbance.
## The frequency scale runs from
## 399.2123 to 3999.837 wavenumber
## There are 1505 frequency values.
## The frequency resolution is
## 1.9286 wavenumber/point.
## This data set is not continuous
## along the frequency axis.
## Here are the data chunks:
## beg.freq end.freq size beg.indx end.indx
## 1 399.2123 1799.348 1400.136 1 727
## 2 2501.3450 3999.837 1498.492 728 1505
## The spectra are divided into 4 groups:
## group no. color symbol alt.sym
## 1 adSrE 10 #984EA3 15 d
## 2 EPO 1 #377EB8 2 b
## 3 OO 1 #4DAF4A 3 c
## 4 pSrE 4 #E41A1C 1 a
## *** Note: this is an S3 object
## of class 'Spectra'
Notice that sumSpectra
has identified a gap in the data
set. You can see this gap in the data as shown in Figure @ref(fig:gaps)
checks for gaps, but doesn’t produce the plot);
both the numerical results and a figure are provided.
Identifying gaps in a data set.
## beg.freq end.freq size beg.indx end.indx
## 1 399.2123 1799.348 1400.136 1 727
## 2 2501.3450 3999.837 1498.492 728 1505
Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA from now on) is a clustering
method (no surprise!) in which “distances” between samples are
calculated and displayed in a dendrogram (a tree-like structure; these
are also used in evolution and systematics where they are called
cladograms). The details behind HCA can be readily found elsewhere
(Chapter 6 of Varmuza and Filzmoser (2009) is a good choice). With
you have access to any of the methods available
for computing distances between samples and any of the methods for
identifying clusters. A typical example is shown in Figure
Hierarchical cluster analysis.
The result is a dendrogram. The vertical scale represents the
numerical distance between samples. Not unexpectedly, the two reference
samples which are known to be chemically different cluster together
separately from all other samples. Perhaps surprisingly, the various
pure and adulterated oil extracts do not group together precisely. The
function hcaScores
does the same kind of analysis using the
results of PCA, rather than the raw spectra. It is discussed in the next
Principal components analysis (PCA from now on) is the real workhorse
of exploratory data analysis. It makes no assumptions about group
membership, but clustering of the resulting sample scores can be very
helpful in understanding your data. The theory and practice of PCA is
covered well elsewhere (Chapter 3 of Varmuza and
Filzmoser (2009) is an excellent
choice). Here, we’ll concentrate on using the PCA methods in
. Briefly however, you can think of PCA as
determining the minimum number of components necessary to describe a
data set, in effect, removing noise and redundant information. Think of
a typical spectrum: some regions are clearly just noise. Further, a
typical spectroscopic peak spans quite a few frequency units as the peak
goes up, tops out, and then returns to baseline. Any one of the points
in a particular peak describe much the same thing, namely the intensity
of the peak. Plus, each frequency within a given peak envelope is
correlated to every other frequency in the envelope (they rise and fall
in unison as the peak changes size from sample to sample). PCA can look
“past” all the noise and underlying correlation in the data set, and
boil the entire data set down to essentials. Unfortunately, the
principal components that are uncovered in the process don’t correspond
to anything concrete, usually. Again, you may wish to consult a more
detailed treatment!
Table @ref(tab:opt) gives an overview of the options available in
, and the relevant functions.
PCA options | scaling options | function |
classical PCA | no scaling, autoscaling, Pareto scaling | c_pcaSpectra |
robust PCA | no scaling, median absolute deviation | r_pcaSpectra |
sparse PCA | no scaling, autoscaling, Pareto scaling | s_pcaSpectra |
IRLBA PCA | no scaling, autoscaling, Pareto scaling | irlba_pcaSpectra |
Diagnostics | function | |
OD plots | pcaDiag |
SD plots | pcaDiag |
Choosing the correct no. of PCs | function | |
scree plot | plotScree |
bootstrap analysis (classical PCA only) | cv_pcaSpectra |
Score plots | plotting options | function |
2D plots | robust or classical confidence ellipses | plotScores |
3D plots | robust or classical confidence ellipses | plot3dScores |
Loading plots | function | |
loadings vs frequencies | plotLoadings |
loadings vs other loadings | plot2Loadings |
s-plot (correlation vs covariance) | sPlotSpectra |
Other | functions | |
HCA of PCA scores | hcaScores |
ANOVA-PCA | aov_pcaSpectra |
There’s quite a bit of choice here; let’s work through an example and illustrate, or at least mention, the options as we go. Keep in mind that it’s up to you to decide how to analyze your data. Most people try various options, and follow the ones that lead to the most insight. But the decision is yours!
The first step is to carry out the PCA. You have two main options, either classical methods, or robust methods. Classical methods use all the data you provide to compute the scores and loadings. Robust methods focus on the core or heart of the data, which means that some samples may be downweighted. This difference is important, and the results from the two methods may be quite different, depending upon your the nature of your data. The differences arise because PCA methods (both classical and robust) attempt to find the components that explain as much of the variance in the data set as possible. If you have a sample that is genuinely corrupted, for instance due to sample handling, its spectral profile may be very different from all other samples, and it can legitimately be called an outlier. In classical PCA, this one sample will contribute strongly to the variance of the entire data set, and the PCA scores will reflect that (it is sometimes said that scores and loadings follow the outliers). With robust PCA, samples with rather different characteristics do not have as great an influence, because robust measures of variance, such as the median absolute deviation, are used.
Note that neither c_pcaSpectra
carry out any normalization by samples. You
need to decide beforehand if you want to normalize the samples, and if
so, use normSpectra
Besides choosing to use classical or robust methods, you also need to choose a scaling method. For classical PCA, your choices are no scaling, autoscaling, or Pareto scaling. In classical analysis, if you don’t scale the data, large peaks contribute more strongly to the results. If you autoscale, then each peak contributes equally to the results (including noise “peaks”). Pareto scaling is a compromise between these two. For robust PCA, you can choose not to scale, or you can scale according to the median absolute deviation. Median absolute deviation is a means of downweighting more extreme peaks. The literature has plenty of recommendations about scaling options appropriate for the type of measurement (instrument) as well as the nature of the biological data set (Zhang et al. (2009) Craig et al. (2006) Romano, Santini, and Indovina (2000) Berg et al. (2006) Varmuza and Filzmoser (2009) Karakach, Wentzell, and Walter (2009)).
There is not enough space here to illustrate all possible combinations of options; Figure @ref(fig:classPCA) and Figure @ref(fig:robPCA) show the use and results of classical and robust PCA without scaling, followed by plotting of the first two PCs (we’ll discuss plotting options momentarily). You can see from these plots that the robust and classical methods have produced rather different results, not only in the overall appearance of the plots, but in the amount of variance explained by each PC.
Since we’ve plotted the scores to see the results, let’s mention a
few features of plotScores
which produces a 2D plot of the
results (we’ll deal with 3D options later). Note that an annotation is
provided in the upper left corner of the plot that describes the history
of this analysis, so you don’t lose track of what you are viewing. The
argument controls what fraction of points are labeled
with the sample name. This is a means of identifying potential outliers.
The ellipse
argument determines if and how the ellipses are
drawn (the 95% confidence interval is used).
You can choose "none"
for no ellipses,
for classically computed confidence ellipses,
for robustly computed ellipses, or
if you want to directly compare the two. Note that
the use of classical and robust here has nothing to do with the PCA
algorithm — it’s the same idea however, but applied to the 2D array of
scores produced by PCA. Points outside the ellipses are more likely
candidates for outlier status.
c_res <- c_pcaSpectra(SrE3.IR, choice = "noscale")
p <- plotScores(SrE3.IR, c_res, pcs = c(1,2), ellipse = "rob", tol = 0.01)
## Group EPO
## has only 1 member (no ellipse possible)
## Group OO
## has only 1 member (no ellipse possible)
Classical PCA scores.
r_res <- r_pcaSpectra(SrE3.IR, choice = "noscale")
p <- plotScores(SrE3.IR, r_res, pcs = c(1,2), ellipse = "rob", tol = 0.01)
## Group EPO
## has only 1 member (no ellipse possible)
## Group OO
## has only 1 member (no ellipse possible)
Robust PCA scores.
Plots such as shown in Figures @ref(fig:classPCA) and
@ref(fig:robPCA) can give you an idea of potential outliers, but
includes more sophisticated approaches. The
function pcaDiag
can produce two types of plots that can be
helpful (Figures @ref(fig:OD) and @ref(fig:SD)). The meaning and
interpretation of these plots is discussed in more detail in Varmuza and
Filzmoser, Chapter 3 (Varmuza and Filzmoser 2009).
Diagnostics: orthogonal distances.
Diagnostics: score distances.
Depending upon your data, and your interpretation of the results, you
may decide that some samples should be discarded, in which case you can
use removeSample
as previously described, then repeat the
PCA analysis. The next step for most people is to determine the number
of PCs needed to describe the data. This is usually done with a scree
plot as shown in Figure @ref(fig:scree-1). ChemoSpec
defaults to an alternate style scree plot which I actually think is much
more informative (Figure @ref(fig:scree-2) shows a more traditional
scree plot).
If you are using classical PCA, you can also get a sense of the number of PCs needed via a bootstrap method, as shown in Figure @ref(fig:boot). Note that this method is iterative and takes a bit of time. Comparing these results to the scree plots, you’ll see that the bootstrap method suggests that 4 or 5 PCs would not always be enough to reach the 95% level, while the scree plots suggest that 2 PC are sufficient.
Scree plot.
Traditional style scree plot.
Bootstrap analysis for no. of principal components.
Now let’s turn to viewing scores in 3D. The function of interest is
and it uses plotly
graphics, so
the plot opens in a browser window. In the window, there is a button to
save a hard copy if desired.
In addition to the scores, PCA also produces loadings which tell you how each variable (frequencies in spectral applications) affect the scores. Examining these loadings can be critical to interpreting your results. Figure @ref(fig:load1) gives an example. You can see that the different carbonyl peaks have a large and opposing effect on PC 1. PC 2 on the other hand is driven by a number of peaks, with some interesting opposing peaks in the hydrocarbon region. While the actual analysis of the data is not our goal here, it would appear that PC 1 is sensitive to the ester vs. acid carbonyl group, and PC 2 is detecting the saturated vs. unsaturated fatty acid chains (the latter having Csp2-H peaks).
p <- plotLoadings(SrE3.IR, c_res, loads = c(1, 2), ref = 1)
p <- p & ggtitle(myt) # see ?GraphicsOptions for why & is used
Loading plot.
You can also plot one loading against another, using function
(Figure @ref(fig:load2)). This is typically
not too useful for spectroscopic data, since many of the variables are
correlated (as they are parts of the same peak, hence the serpentine
lines in the figure). The most extreme points on the plot, however, can
give you an idea of which peaks (frequencies) serve to differentiate a
pair of PCs, and hence, drive your data clustering.
Plotting one loading vs. another.
However, a potentially more useful approach is to use an s-plot to
determine which variables have the greatest influence. A standard
loadings plot (plotLoadings
) shows you which frequency
ranges contribute to which principal components, but the plot allows the
vertical axis to be free. Unless you look at the y axis scale, you get
the impression that the loadings for principal component 1 etc. all
contribute equally. The function sPlotSpectra
plots the
correlation of each frequency variable with a particular score against
the covariance of that frequency variable with the same score. The
result is an s-shaped plot with the most influential frequency variables
in the upper right hand and lower left quadrants. An example is shown in
Figure @ref(fig:splot1) with a detail view in Figure @ref(fig:splot2).
In the latter figure you can clearly see the influence of the carbonyl
peaks. This method was reported in Wiklund et al.
s-Plot to identify influential frequencies.
p <- sPlotSpectra(SrE3.IR, c_res, pc = 1, tol = 0.001)
p <- p + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-0.04, -0.01), ylim = c(-1.05, -0.9))
p <- p + ggtitle("Detail of s-Plot")
s-Plot detail.
Finally, you can blend the ideas of PCA and HCA. Since PCA eliminates
the noise in a data set (after you have selected the important PCs), you
can carry out HCA on the PCA scores, as now the scores represent the
cleaned up data. The result using the SrE.IR
data set are
not different than doing HCA on the raw spectra, so we won’t illustrate
it, but the command would be:
Harrington et al.(Harrington et al. 2005) (and a few others – Pinto et al. (2008)) have demonstrated a method which combines traditional ANOVA with PCA. Standard PCA is blind to class membership, though one generally colors the points in a score plot using the known class membership. ANOVA-PCA uses the class membership to divide the original centered data matrix into submatrices. Each submatrix corresponds to a particular factor, and the rows of the submatrix have been replaced by the average spectrum of each level of the factor. The original data set is thought of as a sum of these submatrices plus residual error. The residual error is added back to each submatrix and then PCA is performed. This is conceptually illustrated in Figures @ref(fig:aovPCA2) and @ref(fig:aovPCA1).
aovPCA breaks the data into a series of submatrices.
Submatrices are composed of rows which are averages of each factor level.
ANOVA-PCA has been implemented in ChemoSpec
via the
functions aov_pcaSpectra
, aovPCAscores
. The idea here is that if a factor is
significant, there will be separation along PC1 in a plot of PC1 vs PC2.
There are not enough groups and levels within the SrE.IR
data set to carry out ANOVA-PCA. However, the help page for
contains an example using the
data set which illustrates how to carry out the
analysis. It also demonstrates another useful function,
which allows you to take an existing
group designation and split it into new designations. See
PCA and HCA are techniques which are unsupervised and assume no
underlying model. HCA computes distances between pairs of spectra and
groups these in an iterative fashion until the dendrogram is complete.
PCA seeks out components that maximize the variance. While in PCA one
often (and ChemoSpec
does) displays the samples coded by
their group membership, this information is not actually used in PCA;
any apparent correspondence between the sample group classification and
the clusters found is accidental in terms of the computation, but of
course, this is what one hopes to find!
is a model-based clustering package that takes a
different approach (Fraley, Raftery, and Scrucca 2024).
assumes that there are groups within your data set,
and that those groups are multivariate normally distributed. Using an
iterative approach, mclust
samples various possible
groupings within your data set, and uses a Bayesian Information
Criterion (BIC) to determine which of the various groupings it finds
best fits the data distribution. mclust
looks for groups
that follow certain constraints, for instance, one constraint is that
all the groups found must have a spherical distribution of data points,
while another allows for ellipsoidal distributions. See the paper by
Scrucca and Raftery (Scrucca et al. 2017) for more
details. The basic idea however is that mclust
goes looking
for groups in your data set, and then you can compare the groupings it
finds with the groupings you know to be true.
contains several functions that interface with
and extend mclust
functions. mclust
first uses
the BIC to determine which model best fits your data; these results are
shown in Figure @ref(fig:mclust-1). Next, Figure @ref(fig:mclust-2)
shows the groups that mclust
finds in the data. It’s of
some interest to visually compare the score plot in Figure
@ref(fig:classPCA) with the mclust
results in Figure
@ref(fig:mclust-2). It looks like mclust
groups the two
outliers with some of the rest of the data. Next, mclust
will map the true groups onto the groups it has found. Points in error
are X-ed out. These results can be seen in Figure @ref(fig:mclust-3).
From this plot, you can see that mclust
hasn’t done too
well with this data set. In general, you have to be very careful about
using mclust
’s notion of an error: it is very hard to map
the found groups onto the “truth” in an algorithmic way. I lean toward
not using the “truth” option in mclust
more and more.
mclust chooses an optimal model.
mclust’s thoughts on the matter.
## Warning in .coordProjCS(d, dimens = dims, what = "errors", classification =
## mod$classification, : classification and truth differ in number of groups
Comparing mclust results to the TRUTH.
You can also do a similar analysis in 3D, using
. This function uses mclust
find the groups, but then uses non-mclust
functions to draw
confidence ellipses. This function uses plotly
graphics so
it cannot demonstrated here, but the commands would be:
I hope you have enjoyed this tour of the features of
See the help files for more detail.
: A good example of its use can be
found in ?aov_pcaSpectra
: Run anova on PCA scores.hmapSpectra
: Plot a seriated heat map.evalClusters
: Compare various clustering options.sgfSpectra
: Apply Savitzky-Golay filters.plotSpectraDist
: Plot the distance between each
spectrum and a reference spectrum.In ChemoSpec
, the user may use any color name/format
known to R
. When importing data, ChemoSpec
will choose colors for you automatically if desired. However, depending
upon your needs, you may wish to choose colors yourself. the current
color scheme of a Spectra
object may be determined using
or changed using conColScheme
. A
fuller discussion of color issues can be found in
In addition to colors, Spectra
objects also contain a
list of symbols, and alternative symbols. These are useful for plotting
in black and white, or when color-blind individuals will be viewing the
plots. The alternative symbols are simply lower-case letters. Figure
@ref(fig:colsym) shows some of the built in options, but as stated
above, you can choose whatever you like.
Color and symbol suggestions.
The development of ChemoSpec
began while I was on
sabbatical in 2007-2008, and was aided greatly by an award of a Fisher
Fellowship. These programs are coordinated by the Faculty Development
Committee at DePauw, and I am very grateful to them as well as the
individuals who originally created these programs. I am also grateful to
Prof. Peter Filzmoser who answered a number of my questions related to
the algorithms in his chemometrics
package. Most recently,
Mr. Tejasvi Gupta, supported by Google Summer of Code, implemented all
the ggplot2
and plotly
features in the summer
of 2021. Finally, many people have brought bugs to my attention,
suggested new features and provided fixes. I am grateful to all of them.
Each is listed in either the code, the NEWS file or the Github issues
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry & Biochemistry, DePauw University, Greencastle IN USA., [email protected]↩︎
was not developed for and has not
been tested with mass spectral data sets (MS), as there are other
dedicated packages for this purpose. See the Chemometrics and
Computational Physics Task View for an overview.↩︎
My experience is that csv files don’t always have comma as the separator, and of course conventions about decimal marks vary a bit around the world. And an instrument installed in a certain country doesn’t always follow local conventions.↩︎
also accepts a formula to
describe the frequencies to be removed, for instance
res <- removeFreq(SrE.IR, rem.freq = low ~ 800)
remove all frequencies from the minimum through 800. See
for further details.↩︎